Episode 10: Pitching With A Purpose

Mousumi and Challin talk about how to create and star in your own story. Using their sales and marketing backgrounds as a jumping point, they talk about how important it is to be authentic, adhere to your values and how to focus on your strengths to tell your story.

Some things to keep in mind:

  1. What is your North Star?

  2. What are your values?

  3. Who is Your Audience?

  4. What is the white space?

Listen in and find out more!


If you haven’t listened to episode 4 featuring Erik Severinghaus, he had great tips on how to pitch your business - including breaking past the mental block of being over-enthusiastic. You’re not as overeager as you think! 

  • I’m linking an article Challin wrote at the beginning of the year about creating your personal mission statement. Having a personal mission statement to refer back to and build off of gives you solid base material that you can adapt to any pitch. 

  • Evaluating other people’s pitch to you - we’ve talked a lot about creating your own pitch and pitching your business successfully this episode. While it’s important to pitch yourself, it’s equally important to evaluate the pitches that come to you regardless of the form - that could be a freelance job, a volunteering opp, a request to mentor someone. Are these job opps authentic? Are they communicating their values clearly? Are employees engaged, are reviews good, etc? Are their values aligned with your own core values and mission statement? My own mantra has helped me with this: focusing on what’s important, not on what’s immediate. 

  • Finally, for any other introverts out there, I’m going to link an article from Fast Company about how to market and make sales as an introvert. The line that stood out to me was “Marketing is really just about connecting with others about something that matters. And that’s something introverts are actually really good at.”


Episode 11: Cultivating Confidence - Body Image, Bouncing Back and Being Confident in Your Skin


Episode 9: Pride Beyond Parades - How to be an active ally